We decided to take a small break from our apartment in Bordeaux and head to Les Sources de Caudalie, a fabulous wine country retreat/spa just 20 mins south of our home. Our afternoon was filled with a fabulous wine tasting across the street at Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte as they own the hotel! We met a super couple, Christina and Francis, from Napa and we agreed to dine together making our dinner even better in the rustic "casual" restaurant here (tonight we dine at the Michelin starred restaurant).
We stopped at the bar first and while Will had the standard Grey Goose martini, I was adventurous and chose the Casca Bella, a slightly spicy avocado infused mezcal called Sotol-veneno mixed with chamoy & chipotle, acide solution and housemade antiseptic liquor. Yes that was the exact description on the drink menu!! It was sour at first, then a tad salty and spicy and then herby....super drink and I may have another tonight!
We sat down to dinner and the hard crusty fresh bread was superb with the interesting grape-must butter. Our newfound friends were very kind and let me choose the wines (after I told them the price) and our servers seemed impressed that I knew so many French wines. Our first choice was a Condrieu from Yves Cuilleron in the Rhone, who I met several times in the early 2000's before he passed away and I try to drink his wines whenever I can. The server came back and, alas, it was sold out, but he had a Les terrasses du Palat Condrieu 2022(Condrieu is a very specific appellation for Viognier) from Francois Villard that was creamy and rich and fabulous. The wine was diving with our Celery Risotto with grilled scallops and truffles and our friends seemed to like it as well with their Mushroom Tartelette and Pate.
When with friends, a second wine is always needed and the server suggested a 2019 Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux called L'Aurage which we fell in love with (it was his last bottle, so no more tonight!) and was divine with the Canette (female) duckling with red cabbage that we all ordered!
Of course a third wine was needed, and I had seen the lesser wine of Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte earlier in the day called Le Lievre 2021 which was so different from the big Bordeaux Cab/Merlot blends we had. It was the same grapes, but different plots and very fruity. Will and I split desserts, and I started with the matured loacl cheeses: tomme papillon (sheep), a flour-crusted goat tomme and Bethemalle, a second goat. They were nice and different, but I wanted something a tad more intense for one cheese at least. The Poached pear with Spice Biscuit and roasted vanilla ice cream was quite nice and by then we were all ready for bed.
Tonight..we move to Le Grand'Vigne....just steps away.
A la prochaine!