Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Back to Bordeaux's L'Embarcadere for everything spectacular seafood (6-3-24)

 Last night, we were walking around the old town and could not get into a restaurant we wanted to try, so decided to head back to L'Embarcadere, the seafood bistro we dined at on our first night. We had the same server who said we should stick with the same wine as the Chateau Coucheroy 2020 from Pessac-Leognan in Bordeaux is 100% Sauvignon Blanc (Will was very impressive saying, "Je deteste le Semillion!"). We perused the fresh seafood platters as it was a warn evening and everyone was getting them. We chose LE COMMANDANT which consisted of the following treats (check out the FB photo) presenting in a giant cardboard "boat" filled with ice:  1/2 Homard(lobster), Huitres(oysters), Langoustines, Grosses Crevettes Roses(large red shrimp), Bigorneaux(periwinkles), Moules Cuites (cooked mussels), Amandes(thanks to Kevin Doss for the translation=dog cockles), Coques(cockles), Palourdes(clams), Bulots(whelks) and Crevettes Grises (small gray shrimp that you eat shell on and are crunchy!)...oh Mon Dieu. While Will is fearful of getting much of the fish from inside the shells, I helped him a tad, and he persevered, and we loved it all. The fish all had great tastes and the langoustines were especially sweet and juicy, and oh what fun it was.

We finished off with a bowl of crunchy frites and a carafe of Chateau Bellevue 2021 red which is a fairly light innocuous wine.
We headed home and had a dribble of Scotch (Aberlour from the duty free at Dulles when we left--PS avoid IAD duty free, they often forget to deliver you purchase to the gate and if you board without it, you lose your purchase!) before heading off to bed in our new home here.